Safety Guidelines
Our highest priority is to keep our staff and customers safe, and to provide you with the best quality food you have come to expect from Taste and See.
Here’s what we are doing:
All staff and customers are required to wear masks.
Signs are posted at all entrances informing staff and customers not to enter the building if they have a cough or fever.
6 Foot Social Distancing required of both customers and staff. Everyone is required to maintain a minimum six-foot distance from one another and not to engage in any unnecessary physical contact.
Staff has been trained about all aspects of health and safety protocol via written materials, on- line and in person training and have signed agreements that they understand the protocols.
Staff has been told not to come to work if sick and symptom checks are being conducted, including temperature checks, before they enter the building.
Staff are required to wash their hands properly and hand sanitizer is available to all employees in each area.
All high touch areas, both in the retail and the production areas, are being sanitized. All equipment is sanitized before and after use.